Ideal Automations Provides Graphic Services, Multimedia CD Advertisement
Ideal Automations Provides Graphic Services, Multimedia CD Advertisement
Ideal Automations Provides Graphic Services, Multimedia CD Advertisement
Ideal Automations Provides Graphic Services, Multimedia CD Advertisement
Ideal Automations Provides Graphic Services, Multimedia CD Advertisement

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Multimedia CD Advertisement

CD Business cards are fast becoming one of the most widely heralded marketing tools used today. The information delivered on a CD-Rom Business Card is capable of catching the attention of your client at a time of their convenience. The sound, the video and the presentation from your CD Business Card can soothe, excite, or catch the interest of your client instantly - highlighting yourself or your business. The cost of the cards is minimal when you consider the results you can achieve. We can make your new CD Business Cards today by using videos, sounds and information you send us today. We can even come and shoot the video in order to help you lay out the Business Card CD. We also design the layout of your CD for FREE! What an amazing deal!

What are the advantages?
One advantage a CD-ROM Business Card provides is its value. If you give someone a business card, they may lose it amongst the array of others they had received; if you give someone a CD-ROM Business Card, it can and will capture their interest and curiosity of the services your business provides. Now that's a marketing tool! CD-ROM Business Cards are a great way to get your message across to current and prospective clients.

Ideal Automations Provides Graphic Services, Multimedia CD Advertisement

Ideal Automations Provides Graphic Services, Multimedia CD Advertisement

Ideal Automations Provides Graphic Services, Multimedia CD Advertisement

Standard 700MB CD-ROM
This size CD can hold up to 700MB of video, text, animation and music all on a standard CD! The 700MB CD is designed for presentations that are too large to fit on a business card CD or a 3 inch CD. Plus, the standard sized is the least expensive to reproduce.

3" Mini CD
This size CD can hold up to 210MB of video, text, animation and music all on a 3" Mini CD! The 3" CD is perfect for presentations that are too large to fit on a business card CD and are great for portfolios, leave behinds and more!

Business Card CD
This size CD can hold up to 50MB of video, text, animation and music all in the size of a standard business card! It can fit into any computer's CD-ROM drive and plays like a regular CD. You can even custom shape your CD-ROM in any shape you desire. Please request a quote to order.

We understand it would be nice if we could just give you a price quote immediately, but it's not that easy.
For more information, product details, and pricing please call us at:
410-308-1122 (Ideal Automations)

Ideal Automations Provides Graphic Services, Multimedia CD Advertisement